Uniform Policy
Hello Bulldog Family!
Now that the weather is cooler, I wanted to take a moment to remind you all about our current uniform policy.
7-8th Grades- Grey Collared Shirts
9-11th Grades- Hunter Green Collared Shirts
12th Grade- Black Collared Shirts
Seniors are the only students on campus who are permitted to wear Black tops.
All grades are required to wear khaki bottoms.
Sweatshirts may be solid in color (Grey, Hunter Green, Black) that corresponds to your grade level, or they can have a TA logo on them. (There are no exceptions.)
As a reminder, hoods or hoodies of any kind are prohibited on campus at any time (Including residential hours and even if they have a TA logo). Students ARE allowed to wear any Thrive Academy-approved spirit shirts. Unauthorized Jackets, Hoodies etc will be confiscated. Please visit our website at Thrivebr.org to purchase approved school apparel from our Bulldog Store. Please continue to partner with us by ensuring that your student has appropriate, and correct uniform attire for school daily. We look forward to more, and continuous ways to support and serve our Bulldog families in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns (225) 367-6855.